Saturday, February 28, 2009


Before I go into Six Sigma methodology I would like to talk of VARIANCE, which is the basis of all improvement processes or which creates need for a new process.

As a Human we are always asked to question the the basic question that comes to mind are (I will make this my catch line):

What is Variance? How does it impact me? Is it of relevance? What can I do to minimize it? on so forth.

Variance as explained by second law of thermodynamics; is normal state of behavior of a process or an individual without any external force. An object will always move towards a state of anarchy if not acted upon by external force. We as individual or corporate experience this very true law in our daily functioning. Hence, need for change agent. This is what a six sigma manager needs to bring about. A constant stream of controls so that the system does not follow its natural tendency of moving towards anarchy.

To proponents of change, variance is an evil a vice which needs to be resisted and eliminated to have a virtuous world. Variance is greed, vanity, lust, anger, gluttony, jealousy, laziness. One needs to cultivate humility, loyalty, respect, righteousness, trust, courage, patience, perseverance, endurance, will, etc by using controls over actions and mind. A six sigma is to fight variance and befriend change through systematic change in thought and application.

So folk’s happy fighting variance to have a well settled life. Enjoy…

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